I have had some good friends after me for more than a year to get them a knife made that would fill a couple needs.
They wanted something light enough that would barely know they were carrying a knife.
It needed to assist them in their "rear entry" requirements on deer and moose sized game.
Since they are Canadian Moose hunters, as well as other trophy-type animals, it needed to be capable of caping and skinning around other trophy parts of capes they were bring home for mounting.
Having recently moved to Northern Minnesota, I've made a good friend of a fellow who spends part of his recreational time searching for Minnesota Moose sheds, and he was kind enough to sell one to me.
So, I came up with "Moose Lips".
Only about 7+ inches long, light and delicate.
This one is going to reside in Kansas.
Twist with Minnesota Moose antler: