This is such a special gift and the photos dont do justice to the beauty and craftmanship of this kife .
Amazingly Jeff allowed some of my "out of the box thinking" to seep into the knifes design . Then his Wife Cassandra would proof read for final approval .
Regular processing photos kept me in line and so appreciative of the effort involved .Thus an introduction to the wonerfull World og knife making .
Some of the features of this knife are...
~ CPM blade steel ,
~Brass Bolsters that match the highly figured local Maple Burl ,
~bottom line of handle curves down slightly in order to fit the inside curve of fingers and hand eliminateing any knife twisting in blood and fat soaked hands ,
~rear bolster has a safety lanyard hole which also acts as broadhead wrench ,
~curved into the front bolster is a "Thumb Slip" that is very natural and comfortable and provides additional power and stability to the cutting stroke ,
To Lin , you took time to answer my "Mosiac Pin" post a while back and subsequent views of your Web Site indicate the high regard that you deserve . I`m honoured that the first post here is from you .
Cheers from the Country that has everything except the Stanley Cup...