Wheee! Today saw the first bow layed up in the new shop... not mine, but Boyd's. Boyd has done some layups previously, so I just watched on this one... one more chance to learn before I launch off on my own.... which will probably be Friday. We got Boyd's bow put together, using the Hill style side of the bow form, and it is now in the overn baking. Any decent project requires at least one chain saw moment, and we had ours. We got all the lams layed up and started clamping, but immediately realized we hadn't put the aluminum strip on. I had purchased aluminum strips and had had one length cut in half for the belly side. We grabbed those and put them on and clamped our little hearts out. Then we went to put the form into the oven and realized that we hadn't adjusted the length of those aluminum pieces to allow for the riser... they stuck out on both ends. Don't ask me how that got by us, but it did. Fortunately, I had had to cut some metal rods a few days ago and still had a hack saw blade in my jigsaw, so sawing off the ends wasn't a big deal. Here's a couple of pictures of the geniuses at work... Boyd is at the form and the other genius is behind the camera....
Boyd putting clamps on... note that you can see the end of the aluminum strip sticking out at the left... We must have been reall concentrating on the riser end, getting a good mate between the riser fades and the lams, to have missed that, but we did.
Foreground is our layout table and to the right on the floor is Boyd's oven....