Hey Guys,
I am working up to trying to make a fiberglass laminated bow for myself. I guess I have yet to make a big enough mess making self and backed bows, now I want to try this.
I have read quite a bit on how to do it, logged several pointers and tips and gone through a lot of helpful hint type information. Here is what I can not find; any formulas leading to a bow of prescribed weight and dimension.
I basically want a straight profile longbow (maybe set back just a little at the handle) of about 45lbs at my 28 inch draw length somewhere in the neighborhood of 66-68 inches.
I am trying to find some generic tables that give info like; Use 2 parallel lams of 0.0X thickness and one tapered lam (of a given taper) along with 0.Y thickness glass, and if the bow is 1 and 1/2 inches wide it will be 45 pounds.
I realize there are a lot more factors involved; I just need some stats to get me in the ballpark.
What do all ya'll think?