I just got this finished today. I took a few pics along the way. This was an experiment that actually worked. I had a 1 inch piece of walnut and a 1.25 inch piece of hard maple left over that i was going to throw away and thought I might as well try to make a bow out of it. I also had a piece of mesquite I bought for $3 which (i was going to try to use for a riser but thought it may look good on this bow to beef up the handle as it would have been so small without it).
So the $3 mesquite, $3 worth of epoxy, $2 worth of finish and $2 in string material/arrow shelf... i ended up with a half decent bow..I never tried an ELB before so this was a good experiment.
First I glued those two scraps and tried to give is a bit of R/D..(it took quite a bit of set regardless but worth a try).