It's funny that this topic came up today. Just last night when my wife returned from having our taxes done, she said that as she was coming up the driveway, in the high beams of her jeep, she saw a coyote standing near the house. What I thought was odd about her seeing a coyote was that I had just got done letting our Lab, Huck out for the last time of the evening. I mean, like one minute before she came up the drive. I would have thought that letting our dog out for a few minutes would have scared off any animal near the house. Talk about bold!
As an aside, I routinely mow a path around the perimeter of a large field behind our house so that my wife doesn't have to walk our dog down our dusty/muddy/snowy/icy (pick one) road. This year, more than any year in recent memory, we have noticed significantly more coyote scat on the mowed trail.
This past year while out bowhunting I saw coyotes on two occasions. On the first occasion, I had two, big beautiful coyotes come loping through together about an hour after sunrise. Really a neat sight.