If there is one prevailing, ubiquitous theme on this site, it's that shooting traditional gear should be fun and that there is no right or wrong way to do it. Everyone - meaning
everyone - fully understands this principle. But this thread began by asking "Whatcha think?" and not with, "Everyone who agrees with what I'm about to do please respond with praise, all others please remain silent".
You asked. And I responded with an opinion that is contrary to what you had in mind. It was not offered in an attempt to in any way imply that, "everyone has to do it the same way."
But the problem with these kinds of threads, you know, the ones that begin with: "Is
this traditional?" or "If I
do this, am I still a traditionalist?" or, "If I put a cushion plunger, elevated rest, illuminated sights and a 3' long stabilizer on my selfbow and shoot carbon arrows tipped with mechanical broadheads using a trigger release-
am I at risk of…not being traditional?"………..the problem with these kinds of threads is that when someone offers up an opinion that is contrary to that of the anything-goes cavalry, through the magic of twisting words and massaging points of view, invariably these threads degenerate into “See- that elitist traditional snob is trying to tell everyone that there is only one way to shoot a traditional bow.”
Sometimes I feel like these types of threads are put out like bait piles…to lure prey (people with divergent opinions) in for a sure kill by the anything-goes cavalry. For this reason, I strongly wish that our forum moderators would put the kibosh on threads that in any way question what is or is not traditional.

:( :confused:
!["" "[dntthnk]"]("graemlins/dntthnk.gif")