Sulphur, before you get too discouraged over the loss of Mickey's stuff, let me brighten up your day: I have a lot of his pictures (full buildalongs) saved from both TG and his now-dead MSN site. Also, another member on here (Tony Thornton) has indicated that he has several megs of Ferret's pics and buildalongs as well.
I was lucky enough to have John Scifres' old original string making tutorial that he thought was long gone. Mickey and John were pretty much the pioneers on this group for buildalongs. Luckily, Jawge's own websites are still intact.
Rusty Crain had some really neat posts on here about osage sliver bows and pony bows, and I have some of that as well.
Ionian did one on gorgeous footed arrows that is absolutely awesome, and I have it as well.
So I think that by getting the drum-beat going like you have in this thread that we can round up a lot of it. I was talking to KennyM about the urgency to get his great buildalongs saved and backed up, and I'm working on that as well.
You guys are right; folks delete photos from Photobucket, and of course, Photobucket could change policies or die like MSN groups did with John's and Mickey's. Problem is, any web site is subject to go by the wayside.
I really wish that we could work with the moderators and figure out a solution to get the pics restored for the buildalongs by storing them here on TG - and see if there's a way to get them backed up as well.
I'll work on getting my stuff organized and edited, and post back here a bit later. For the old TG threads, I saved the entire html for those, so it includes advertisements and all. No need to include those in a reconstructed thread.