Looking at doing my first bow, but can't decide between a board bow or one from the hickory stave that I have. Will post a picture of the stave later today.
I have access to tons of good boards since there are some good lumber yards in the area, as well as the usual home reno joints.
I have a fairly well equipped woodshop (bandsaw, tablesaw, hand planes, drawknifes, spoke shaves).
For this bow I would be looking to get something in the #40 27-28" range. I have some friends who come out and shoot with me occassionally and I want this to be my 'loaner' bow, so would be looking to have a shelf in the design.
Been lurking and reading all the great bow builds. Makes me want to build lots of things. Time to go do another round of straightening on my new japanese bamboo shafts.
Oh, any other bowyers up here in Ontario?