hey john
i have made a number of hickory/ipe bows now- i love them fast, light- i like more of a elb design with some backset induced in the layup.
i also didnt want to go the whole route of compressors etc, so first tried the japanese method of twine/cord and long flat wedges- with moderate success. then went to using readily available rubber bands( will post pics as soon as i get back- out of the country till the end of the week.) cut a form from some 2 x 8 lumber. drilled holes about 2" below the sawn profile about every 2" for the full length of the form. cut some dowell to about 5" lengths. stuck them through the holes( snug fit neccessary here) so that i had about 1.5" each side of the form.
laid saran wrap, got the ipe floor tillered, laid the backing, urac, and ipe stave. and then "elasticated" the whole deal. first elastics just across(transverse) and then diagonally in both directions, and then transverse again. i have probably done a good dozen bows in this manner on this form now, and not one failure simple , quick and easy, not too much mess.
back to your minor problem, the first bow or two out of this method also came out with a bit of twist in them( they still shoot well though!!)
i figured because i was working from one side if the form , my natural inclination was to reach over , hook the elastic , pull over and hook the near side, consequently all the alastics were slightly unevenly "loaded" all on the same side.
i simply went to alternating the hook up- and the problem was immediatly solved.
i fear that is what has happenned with your tube wrap.
one is obviously wrapping in one direction only so the uneven load naturally puts a slight twist in it.
if you still like the versatility and simplicity of your system , you could try and use to bands, wrapping in opposite directions simultaneously(sp!) , so criss crossing all the way up the bow- kind of like a roman sandle.
if done with same size and same stretch on the bands, and done simultaneously, the uneven pressures should balance each other out.
all a tad complicated in the explanation, but when i post the pis, you'll see the simplicity of it.
good luck