as far as the mess, get a roll of stretch wrap and some painters tape, tape up outside, wrap it to keep glue from getting everywhere. use this method and it will stay clean enough to do in the kitchen, and your old lady won't kill you.
you shouldn't have any trouble just using TB3, unless you are backing with boo, while i have used TB3 before with boo, it was about 80%. I would go ahead and use the Urac.
remember to alternate the side of the bow that you clamp...if you put them all in the middle then you can get the edges to curl up some
how long is the bow you are making? how high is the riser? if it is not so high then, the angle of the bend for the belly lam won't be so great.
another technique is to steam or heat bend that porion of the lam. I have shaped a belly lam to fit, by bending it that way, clamping it take that shape, letting it sit against the other two lams till it dries (let it sit a couple days to adjust moisture content before you glue) then pull off the clamps, tape, glue, wrap, and clamp again...the beauty of Urac is since its not going in a heat box, you don't have to do all the layers at once