i have done a few of the 1/4 inch oak slats for kids, and up to the opposite spectrum like a boo back hickory with cedar riser and horn tips.
for plain simple, i would get some straight grained slats. some contrasting colored wood slats to build up a little riser (neat colors that the kids will like).use TB3. back with brown paper.
don't worry about relflex or shaping anything other than a nice arc tiller, keep it simple
1 3/4 to 2 inch at fade, straight taper down to 3/8. i would make the shortest riser you can, to maximize the working limbs of such little bows. i did 1.5 inch fades and a 3 or 4 inch hand space, depending on the kid sized hand.
size the slat with glue, get two layers of brown paper on, let the kids decorate, and seal. i use deft, its cheap, easy to find at HD and easy to use for hte kids.
i super glued on some tip overlays, and did double knocks, so it would be easy for the kid to string himself