I will save the bigger limbs that come off the main trunk. Especially if they are 8" around or bigger. The hedge trees around here can get quite huge and some of the limbs that come off the main trunk are bigger in diameter than some main trunks that I've seen on normal sized trees.
If there's good heartwood in it and nice rings they will make just as nice a bow as any other part of the tree.
Try to avoid those double trunks where it looks like two trees or two limbs growing together. You can beat and hammer on those until your muscles ache and only end up with blisters, but no usable bow wood. Been there, done that.
I've even had to use a chain saw to "Help" it along to get it to split.
I'm just not able to go at it like I could when I was 30 anymore so I leave those alone. Otherwise I hurt for several days afterwards.
Most of these logs are limb logs, the main trunk was 3 times as big as these.