I am currently in the proccss of building 2 more FG recurves, one for my son and one for me. I had built one last spring and though is is pretty my impatience caused it to come in about 10# too light of 44#@28".
So this past week my boy and I glued up both blanks. His bow is a Maple riser, black FG lams with red elm laminations. It is the 3rd red elm limbed bow I've made so far so I felt comfortable predicting the draw weight for the end product.
My bow will have clear FG lams and figured cherry limbs for a change of looks. Everything except the wood is exactly the same in lam thickness and so forth.
I just came in from the shop having shaped both bows and filed in the nocks. The first bow I put on the tiller tree was my son's. It pulls 57#@28". Ok, that is great. A little sanding on the edges and he should get about 53# out of this weapon.
Next I placed my cherry lam bow on the tree for it's madien pull. Man was I ever suprise to see a whopping 49#@28"! Wow, who'd thunk?
I am not upset on this project as it is a learning curve all the way. And those figured lams are just stunning under that clear glass, too. Now I need to think of who needs a sharp looking 45# bow whilst I go back to the drawing board to get that coveted 55#@28" bow made.