Hoytman, I would go ahead and bare shaft tune, to the extent you can. It will take some of the variables out of your learning process. Your tuning may change with time, your draw length may increase, or other changes in your form or release may affect the arrow flight. Or, you may decide you want a heavier or lighter arrow overall, and have to retune for that.
Shooting groups with bare shafts and fletched arrows, per the Ol Adcock plan, is a good method for an accomplished archer who can shoot groups. However, you can tell a lot just by looking at the bare shaft flight yourself, or better, by having someone else look over your shoulder. That is Ken Beck's method, and it has worked well for me.
You don't have to make up a whole bunch of arrows to start with, until you feel comfortable that things have stabilized. It is such a good feeling to shoot reasonably well-tuned arrows, that I would never want to shoot anything less.