I've had that feeling about bows that belong to other people as well. One in particular stands out and I wish the guy hadn't even let me shoot it, cause it's been on my mind ever since. First time I shot it I just knew, it put the arra dead center of every spot I picked. That's something I've never been able to do with any bow before.
I do sorta get attached to some of my own bows, my newest one in particular. I really enjoy shooting it and it's my best one to date, but I know that as soon as another one comes along this one will go to somebody else and the next one will take it's place. Maybe it will be faster, more forgiving, or just have that "Feel" to it that makes everything click?
I totally understand where your coming from and my family doesn't really get it at all. I guess you would have to pour your heart and soul into creating something like a bow to understand it.