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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Need to blow a little steam in the direction of folks who might understand...  (Read 1348 times)

Offline c ott

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I grew up in a farming family. We raised beef cattle. I remember the very moment that I experienced an epiphany that opened my eyes to the fact that there are some dangerously stupid people out there. (to abbreviate a long story , here is the quoute that I heard when this lady was asked if they were butchering the hog for their "traditional" italian dinner...."ohhh no, we love animals, we get our meat from the butcher".  That was an eye opening moment for me, since in retrospect I had a rural upbringing that was sheltered from such stupidity. I never ate store bought beef until I left home. I also remember taking a short field trip to the local slaughter house in 2nd grade. I'm 36 now, so not that long ago considering how quickly things have gone downhill. These days I know what's up and then some.

Offline c ott

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Steve in Canton, with all due respect, I can't make the connection between someone that advertises their property for rent to the general public and the analogy that you offer pertaining to someone who has 20 acres. Should a landlord be able to verify your political party affiliation before renting to someone, or how about reviewing your reading list? I may be off-base from a legal perspective though. If that's the case...LORD help us!

Offline Steve in Canton

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It all comes down to property rights.  As long as you are not breaking the law by discriminating based on sex, race etc, it is your right to rent to whoever yuo want based on your criteria, just like it is your right to let someone on yur land based on the criteria that you set.

Offline JimmyC

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Steve in Canton,

I respectfully disagree with your arguement.  Perceived "Property rights" have nothing to do with the Second Amendment.  

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly."--G.K. Chesterton

Offline Steve in Canton

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This is not a second amendment issue.  there is a reason that businesses are allowed to post signs that weapons are not allowed.  This is the same, you are allowed to set standards for what you want on your property weather we agree or not as long as no laws are broken.  

This issue has started to stray from traditional archery so I feel that I am going to back out of this discussion now.


Offline JimmyC

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Huh?  How can it not be a Second Amendment issue?

What if someone at an Illinois University had been able to end that slaughter with a gun?  Would he or she have been just as big a criminal for defending innocents?  According to you, yes, because of "property rights".  

Your treading a slippery slope and just don't know it yet.  

Take care,

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly."--G.K. Chesterton

Offline c ott

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Steve, I still maintain that you are failing to differentiate between a landowner "letting" someone use their property (or essentially granting permission) and the person that "solicits" the general public in hopes that they can secure someone elses money in exchange for their rental property. The renter has certain inherent rights under those circumstances. BIG difference, and not a good analogy for comparison.

Offline OkKeith

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Thanks for all the oral and moral support.

I did find a place, better than the other one actually. I was standing in the back yard talking to the new landlady about where it would be OK to put the garden, and low-and-behold I heard the sweet music of arrows hitting a target. The guy next door is an avid angler/hunter (he still has training wheels on his bow, but shoots fingers). Nice fella'.

Things always turn out the way they are intended, don't they.

In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt

Offline Whiteshell Wife

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I have read all of the posts on this topic and have been shocked, laughed, shook my head, and marveled at the ignorance of some people as well as the patience of all the hunters who posted here. Your neighbours are lucky you are all so reasonable.
I particularly like the post about the neighbour's Father's Day BBQ. I wish I had that kind of nerve!

Online swp

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Why does all of this seem so suprising to everyone? Ever since the whiteman hit the shores of this country the have been trying to make it "better", get rid of the wild and make it productive. Build houses where forests and fields once were. Kill all the buffalo. Turn that nice looking river into a lake behind a damn where we can control it. That in a nutshell is the history of the United States and North America for the most part. If it wasn't for a few dedicated sportsmen with the foresight to see what was/is happening we would all live in an asphalt and concrete jungle, just so the rich could get richer. The best thing any of us can do is to introduce a child to the outdoors and pray they find part of what we do there.
"People say you can't go back, its like when you get to the edge of a cliff and you take one more step forward or you do a 180 degree turn and take one more step forward. Which way are you going? Which one is progress?" Doug Tompkins

Offline Bill Tell

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Well if I were a rapist, murderer, or thief I know where I would go for the evening.  A whole apartment complex with no self defense.  Perrrrrrrfect!!!!!!!

People forget the total value of the second amendment.  Things like protect your home, provide your family with protein sources, grass roots militia, and even the frivolous sport.
"I'm going to find my direction magnetically. " Eddie Vedder

Offline wislnwings

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I understand your frustration and can relate.  I rented for more than 10 years due to getting transfered every 3 or so years.  One place my wife and looked at in rural Wisconsin the owner had a long list of "not in this house".  We passed.  We looked at another that said pets welcome and when the owner asked what kind of pets we had, I honestly told him 2 hunting retrievers.  He then told me he doesn't like big dogs so we can't have them there.  I explained that they are well trained hunting dogs, not run-a-muck muts.  I even offered to bring them out and introduce them to him so he could see what they are capable of.  Still no.  Kinda sucked cause that house sat on 400 acres in WI and included hunting rights.

Offline Nakohe

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I moved to rural Oklahoma from Dallas to get away from the antis and hope to stay away from that mentalaty for a while anyway. Met a woman who does not hunt, but realizes the man is the hunter and provider and has no problems with my weapons or hunting.
"Then Peter said unto them. Repent all of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus for remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38

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Offline Rich LaBombard

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while we are venting here, my wife just called me, she's out doing some shopping.  Told me this Monday is "Green Day", needs to get some stuff for the kids.
I look at the calendar: St. Patrick's Day.
She tells me "they can't call it that, so they call it Green Day, so nobody is offended"

I'm thinking of starting my own country.  It's not just "hunting", everything seems to be a topic that we need to be protected from, etc.    (sigh)

Offline JC

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Guys, while as frustrated about the things you have discussed as the rest of you, I think this thread has run it's course and is not directly related to traditional bowhunting.
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
TGMM Brotherhood of the Bow

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