I have a u-finish Hungarian type bow on the way and I'm putting my ducks in a row to finish it, I have some minwax to seal it up and I'm looking to dress it up a little as well.
I'm planning to wrap and shellac either wool yarn or hemp or cotton twine on the sayas and on either side of the riser.
I know either birch bark or leather is the usual covering on the limbs, with birch bark being the nicer of the two in my opinion.
But has anyone tried a snakeskin on this type of bow?
Would contact cement work for either of these? I have heard of barge cement being used, but having never used it I'm not sure if it's the same.
If I use birch bark and have to use separate strips how do I keep gaps from forming in the edges? I would like to keep the lines in the bark horizontal.