I just finnished my first board bow today. it was made out of white oak 66" long and on my bath room scale is about 53# after about 25-30 arrows shot out of it. It seems to have taken about 1.5-2" set inthe limbs now after it has been worked a bit now and shot at my draw length of 27" and draw weight tested at 28". I did everything by hand no power tools. Wood and i have a hate relationship. I can not work well with wood. This is my attempt to make friends with it. I am putting a polly stain on it now, so I will poast pic's later, it is ugly, but at least it did not blow up when it was shot. This could be a fun and hopefully wood and I well get along better as we go along. Thank you to all here for all the information you on the websight are willing to share.