I have a new Thunderstick Mag and my tendonitis is healing enough that I took a few shots tonight. A 2016 alum worked best of all the arrows I had made up. 2018's, 2020's all were too stiff. Most of my other bows shoot a 5575 Gold Tip but those are a bit stiff for this 48# @ 29" bow. Then I remembered I had a dozen 3555 GT's stashed away. They are 30 inches long and perfect for my 29" draw.
I glued in the insert and stuck a nock in the back end. Not really knowing what to expect, I stood about 5 yds from my bag target in the basement. I shot and the shaft zipped dead nuts straight into the target. Okay...let's move back to 10 yds. Zip....same thing. 15 yds..ZIP. 20 yds...Zip. Finally I stood at the other end of the basement. 25 yds.... ZZipp!!!! Slick as can be, dead nuts to point of aim. So I'm sticking the feathers on that shaft and away we go. Man...I've had some easy tuning before but this is the berries.
I might add that all of my experiences with bare shafting have been equally easy and amazing...but this is too cool. Don't gotta get the cutoff saw out or nuthin. Glue the inserts, nocks & feathers and done!!