I fell into a bow making journey that I had not planned on but here goes. I have about 20 bows to make for friends and family - Mostly friends from church. We have a section of our church property that works perfectly for setting up some hay bails and shooting. So I did and when others came by and saw a couple of the bows I made they wanted to shoot which was followed by..."Hey, can you make me one?" So here goes... I have made a few bows but will be getting some more practice in over the next few months.
Troy helped me out by sending me some awesome riser setups that he put together and I have some lams coming from him as well...
I plan to add those risers to some beautiful lams and make some of these...
I also purchased a couple new from and riser templates from Kenny. I have been using the Bingham form plan but wanted to add a little variety...
I have learned so much from reading and watching everyone here on TG - This is a good group of people -
Someday I want to attempt to make real bows like...Roy!