I use super sticky two-sided tape for the formica, and lam halves are butt-spliced on 45 degree angles with Smooth On, cured under a blanketed shop light for a couple hours. You can find the tape in home improvement stores in the flooring section. I also use it to adhere built up leather shelves and strike plates to the bow... good stuff.
I used cyanocrylite a few times for the butt-splice, but they came apart a couple times during the glue up while bending over the deflex area. Once that happens, there's no way to push them back together and there's going to be a gap... they can also lift the lam above the failed joint causing a small gap between the lams handy to the splice.
Oh yeah, almost forgot... I cut those splices on a 45 degree angle AND use the toothing plane blade to groove those tiny gluing surfaces... then Smooth On under the shop light.... no more worries