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Author Topic: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?  (Read 1217 times)

Offline Matt / PA

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Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« on: March 01, 2008, 10:58:00 PM »
I'm just sitting here thinking about my 2009 Pronghorn trip in WY and the prospects of shooting out of pop up blinds.
For one I've never done it, and 2 I don't own a bow under 60".

I know there are blinds out there that are "Trad friendly" but I'm pretty sure he's not going to have any.  From what i gather they are your standard Eastman large hub style blinds.

I'm tall, 6'3", and draw 30.5" to the front of the riser on my Black Widow SA-V.

I'm weighing my options here: do I buy a good "shorty 54-52" bow just for this one 3 day trip and probably never use it again?  Do I wrangle a vintage Bear Kodiak Mag for the one time deal and then hang it on the wall?
(Just rambling at this point)

Here's the other thing?  I typically draw about 60# at 30".  Is there an inexpensive but still quality option out there that isn't going to stack like I hit a brick wall at 30" or a tad beyond?

I really don't want to shoot the wheelie bow out there but I do need a viable option that isn't going to break the bank for a once and done trip.

Anyone else in the same boat? Hunt out of pop up blinds occaisionally or rarely and have a dedicated bow just for that purpose? Whats the longest bow you can work comfortably in these standard sized blinds?

Anyone have a 50# Dark Archer they want to loan me for 5 days in september of 09' LOL   :knothead:    :D

Offline john mccabe

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 01:35:00 AM »
I shoot my 60" DAS out of my double bull blind, they do make a recurve model that's a little taller. I don't know if I'd go to a 52" bow with a 30.5 draw.Instead of buying a new bow maybe buy a blind that you can use in the future?

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 04:34:00 AM »
I shoot My hills out of my DB matrix 360 and have shot them out of an ameristep penthouse blind, I was able to take a deer out of my DB using a 64" Hill. You just have to be careful of bow placement, but you will have more room than you might think, I would suggest doing some practice shooting in an area the size of the blind they will be using, also if your going to be shooting through mesh you should get use to that as well. The arrow flight will not be affected by the mesh but it kind of messes with your head until you get use to it, if you cant practice in a blind use what you can to simulate the conditions of the size of the blind and get an old mesh head net staple it to a wooden frame so you can get use to looking past the mesh when you pick a spot.
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Offline BrianfromTulsa

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 07:45:00 AM »
I shoot a 62" H2 out of an Ameristep stackhouse without any problem.  Very reasonably priced blind.

Offline foxbo

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 07:53:00 AM »
You need a DB Recurve model blind. It's taller and will allow you to use your longbow. Plus, when you get tired of sitting and want to stand up to stretch, you can do so.

Offline thetroutguy

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 03:16:00 PM »
I shot a turkey out of a Double Bull Matrix 360 with a 62" Toelke Whip longbow last spring.  No problem.  I think I could have shot a 66" bow out of it.  Wasn't the recurve model either.  Take your current bow and have fun.  You are worrying too much.  You will be fine.  If you are really worried buy a comfortable low to the ground stool.  This will give you more room for your top limb.  

Good luck on your trip out west.  Let us know how it went.
***TGMM Family of the Bow***

Offline Whip

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2008, 04:05:00 PM »
I'm also 6'3", and although I don't draw as long as you do, I would still recommend a recurve height blind if at all possible.  I used to have a regular size DB blind, and it worked fine as long as kept my butt low, kind of sitting on my ankles when I shot.  But one year I shot a turkey out of it and as it stumbled away I tried shooting two more times to get another arrow in it.  In my excitement I must have raised up a bit on my knees.  Ended up with two identical tears in the top of the blind from my limb tip hitting it.  You can shoot out of a regular model, but the recurve one would give you more margin for error.
If it is a choice of buying a blind or a bow, I would go with the blind.  Although you might think this is one and done, I would bet you will find more uses for it at some point.  Do you bow hunt turkeys?
Another good option would be to scan the classifieds here and pick up a nice short bow for your trip.  You should be able to resell it again after you are done for the same money you paid for it if you're careful.  
I prefer longer bows myself, but one sort bow I have tried that felt really good at a longer draw was the Shrew.  I don't know how Greg does it, but it is smooth all the way back, with no finger pinch.
Good luck!  Antelope are a blast!
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Offline Matt / PA

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2008, 07:13:00 PM »
wow so you guys are shooting 60" bows out of some of the standard height blinds?  I never would have figured.

Maybe I wasn't quite clear in my first post. Me BUYING a blind for this hunt really isn't an option. We're flying to WY for an Outfitted 3 day hunt.
I have to hunt out of whatever he has (which I'm told are standard large sized Eastman blinds) and that's the reason for the anxiety.
I have to make sure I fly out there with a bow I can shoot or I'm toast. LOL  :)

I'm going to need to track down someone who has one like the outfitter uses and see what I can and cant' do out of it.  

Maybe some 56" limbs for the Black Widow if I can find em'?

Thanks for the well wishes, I really don't want to blow this one!  ;)

Offline DeerSpotter

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2008, 07:28:00 PM »
Have you thought of talking to the outfitter, give him a call and see how tall the blinds are !  Most of the Eastman's we sell are as tall as the double bull, it would depend on what model he has, telling your situation, you're hiring him, he's working for you !  Tell him your equipment, see what he thinks


Offline Big_Al

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2008, 08:35:00 PM »
Matt, I have the perfect solution for you.  One hell of a good blind with a great price!

Take a look at the Yukon Tracks Enforcer Elite for $150.00    http://www.marinegeneralcatalog.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=2133  

Or the slightly smaller Yukon Tracks Dispatcher Elite for $120.00

The Enforcer Elite should be able to accomodate you, maybe even the Dispatcher Elite.  I have used the original Enforcer (the Elite is a better version with more features) and it's a heck of a nice blind.  I personally don't think you can find a blind half as nice in this price range.

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Offline mooseman76

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2008, 08:47:00 PM »
Matt, do you know the dimensions of these blinds?  I used an ameristep (forget the model) with 67" center height last year with a 62" Widow recurve.  I was able to shoot my 62" Toelke longbow as well, but had to be real careful with the limb tips or I'd hit the ceiling.  Now shooting a 58" Widow recurve with no problems whatsoever.  BTW, I have a 29" draw and these limbs are every bit as smooth as the 62"...Mike

Offline Matt / PA

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 08:53:00 PM »
Mooseman, Tuscarora huh?  I grew up a couple mountains over in Minersville. Spent a lot of time up your way.......miss those Heisler's Dairy Bar chocolate milkshakes!

anyway. LOL

I will DEFINITELY call him and see what the models are and the dimensions.
I'm pretty sure they are the 67" center height models and I don't want to "Have to be careful" LOL  :)
I think I'm going to try to find some 56- 58" limbs and someone who has one of these blinds and practice some out of it.
The last thing I need is any surprises or find myself in a blind with a bow where I am limited on shots.

Offline Dave Bulla

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 09:52:00 PM »
Well, I have a double Matrix and I can shoot my 66" longbow out of it with no problem.  It does require some attentiveness in how you set up and I always do a couple of practice draws to figure out where exactly to put my Niff-T-Seat.  By the way, I'm shooting about a 32" draw and using 33" BOP arrows.  I usually set up towards the back corner on the Niff-T-Seat with just the long section of the leg.  The windows are pretty well centered up and down on the blind so if you are shooting out the window, your bow is naturally centered up and down inside the blind too.

About the Eastman blinds though.... Just the other day I was in Sams club and they had a bunch of the carbon lined blinds for sale back in the scratch and dent corner of the store.  I went ahead and looked at the box just to get some info on them.  Don't recall seeing the hight but they did claim to have a 7 foot shooting diameter which I'm pretty sure is bigger than my Double Bull.  Also, in the picture on the box where the guy was carrying the blind on his back it looked HUGE compared to my DB.  Since the diameter is proportional to the wall size, I'd guess that the Eastman blind (at least the model Sam's Club had) is a bigger blind than the Double Bull.  Just a guess though as I suppose they could make a wall longer but not taller.  It just didn't look to be proportioned that way in the picture.

I've come to believe that the keys to shooting well for me are good form, trusting the bow to do all the work, and having the confidence in the bow and myself to remain motionless and relaxed at release until the arrow hits the mark.

Offline mooseman76

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2008, 10:15:00 PM »
Matt, they key I found is seat height.  I adjusted my seat height to get a perfect balance between lower and upper limb tip height.  I cant my bows and I didn't have any problems with a 62" recurve.  I'll keep my eyes open for some shorter limbs for you, what poundage do you want?  And, are you only interested in "Ironwood" limbs?  

So you remember the Heisler's milkshakes, huh.  "Where a milkshake is a meal"  I always loved that slogan...LOL  


Offline BD

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2008, 10:17:00 PM »
Groundmax escape deluxe blind-129.99 at Cabela's

Offline mooseman76

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2008, 10:17:00 PM »
Oh Matt, make sure you practice from a blind before you go.  There tends to be a small adjustment made when shooting out the windows.  It just messes with your depth perception a little.  Some practice sessions will definitely help, and maybe you'll discover you won't need new limbs...Mike

Offline Matt / PA

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2008, 10:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by mooseman76:
 I'll keep my eyes open for some shorter limbs for you, what poundage do you want?  And, are you only interested in "Ironwood" limbs?  


Thank you I appreciate that!  I would think some 56" limbs would be about perfect, where it really wouldn't matter what blind I was in.....and nah they don't need to be Ironwood, III's would be fine in the Autumn Oak as well.......that wouldn't look too hideous.  ;)
Something in the 52# range at 28" since I draw to a little over 30" and I would be shooting sitting down. I shoot a shade under 62# right now at my draw length.
The only problem is that EVERYBODY is looking for Widow limbs in the 52# range.  :(

My wife and I would look forward to heading up to Heisler's every fall back when we were just dating (She's from St. Clair) just so she could get a 1/2 gal of Pumpkin Ice Cream.
There's some good hunting in the Lewistown Valley too That stretch around Rosemont Campground used to be CRAWLING with deer.

Good talking with you and thanks for the offer.

Offline Longbowz

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Re: Options for a one time and done "Pop up" blind hunter?
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2008, 10:47:00 PM »
I can't imagine having any problem shooting out of a blind of any style with your bow.  It's really all mental more then anything.

I would practice shooting out of small openings while sitting and if the outfitter uses mesh over the windows, practice with that too. I can shoot my 64 inch recurve and 68 inch longbow without a problem in any blind I've been in so far.  Good luck on your hunt.
I find the older I get, the less I used to know!

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