1.do you have a paper template for your form.
2.are you "tillering" for your weight- if so do you stand on the one ski with all your weight- and make sure the ski flex's.
3.if so are you expecting the ski to be flat at flexion, and concave with all pressure off.
how much 'setback' do the mid sections have at rest
4. what else could you use besides the aspen- old growth sitka spruce maybe- or old growth douglas fir--- maybe???
5. by cross grain you mean at 90 deg to the top figured lam?, and how long were those cross grain pieces- coming back down the limb- so to speak!
6.what did you use for a core-
have always wanted to build my own ski's looked for ages on line- couldnt find any info- besides foam/glass skis.
didnt have the courage to make some trials- just dont know enough about ski-ing or ski design to jump in the deep end
kudos to you man!!!