Lets say the stave reduced to a very rough shape prior to drying, and it's all dry and ready to work.
I'd say on a perfectly straight stave that doesn't require any straightening (or very minor straightening) it takes me about an hour or so to get it to floor tiller, another hour to get the tips reduced, handle roughed in, overlays on and nocks cut (maybe a bit more with super glue drying for 30 min).
15min or so to make a string.
Then as little as an hour or two to tiller depending on how close the floor tiller was.
Sanding maybe an hour or two depending on how anal you are about it.
Then finishing is pretty quick but dry time is long. I use wipe on poly, so it usually takes a few days to get the finish done, one coat before work and one coat after work. Then I like to let the finish cure for a week or so before I screw with it.
So maybe 6 hours plus finishing time.
Add time for built up/glued on handle, fancy shelf area or built up leather shelf, fancy handle wrap etc.
But I'd say bare bones shooting bow without finish, as little as 6-8hours.
I rough out the bow an floor tiller with a small machete or large bowie type knife ... something with some mass, and a hunting knife (aka scraper). Rasp and file for handle etc. And mainly a belt sander for fast wood removal for tillering and narrowing the limbs to the finished shape.
I also don;t sweat the small stuff, a few tools marks don;t bother me much unless it's for someone else.
With bad twist, lots of added reflex, sinew or any othe rcrazy stuff, easily triple those times.