Originally posted by Shawn Leonard:
I did not read all the posts, but it has been proven as of late that the answer is "NO"!! It has now been proven an arrow with high forward of center will out penetrate an arrow of the same weight without the high FOC. Also the first statement does not make sense. It should be grains not pounds and ten grain per pound of arrow weight is ten grain 45# bow is 450 grains and 60# bow is 600 grains. It makes is not a great idae to shoot a 650 grain arrow out of a 40# bow as it robs the bow of too much perfromance and ya get a diminishing return. Shawn
Shawn, read Dr. Ashby's reports...that's EXACTLY what he's saying....650gr minimum, high FOC out of whatever bow you are shooting to get max penetration penetration. Numerous ladies who have harvested elk and such with low poundage bows tend to agree with him. Though it's not much for trajectory, the data is showing it works for penetration through bone.
And as far as "robbing performance" depends on what you mean by performance. It's slower, but it definately has more momentum...the key to penetration in most eyes. The arrows mass is the only constant after the arrow leaves the bow...theoretically, the heavier the better.
For me, I like....awww heck, ya'll heard all that already