As mentioned in a previous post I am making my two wonderful young nieces each a bow. I would like to incorporate their favorite colors into them to help them identify them as well as to make them far more personal. The bows are all-wood, youth sized, tri-lam longbows made of hickory and ash.
So I found out yesterday that their favorite colors are: Orange, Blue and Turquoise. Orange is the easy & natural color here. I will use Paduik for that. But how and what do I use for the blue and turquoise? I am wanting to put the accent colors into the riser and on the limb tips. Can a guy use dyed or stained woods and still get good glue-up? Obviously I have never used a stained wood before gluing or even afterwards... Usually I just use TBIII for the riser glue-up. Should I use something different with a dyed/stained wood?