Chuck gives some good info. #1 sounds good, the other 2 with the .050 glass may come in 5# or a bit more heavy. Glass is stiffer per thousandth than wood or grass lams.
I usually try to keep the belly lam at .060 , the .002 no more than .130 and take up the slack on veneers.
Good luck , have fun , and remember there are 2 mistakes on the plans. Yours truly didn't proofread close nuff before printing!
First one is the limb layout should be centered on blank, it shows off to one side. Just make sure center of bow at riser, and limb at nocks is in a strait line. If not move BOTH nocks over enuff ( same amount on both)to line up with center of bow before laying out limbs.
# 2 you are aware of, it is on the amount to change stack for the shorter bows. Should be .015" on the 58/60 and without looking says .15
Have fun!!