I've been shooting a set of sage limbs mounted on a converted darton excel compound riser which made a 62" bow. It just seemed hard to draw plus it's kind of a dog as far as speed goes compared to the homemade longbows I make. So I decided to do a FD curve on the recurve and compare it to the FD curves from my longbow. Now I can see why the comp sage is hard to shoot at my 28.5" draw length and why it's such a dog. The comp sage is a cheap bow to put together but you get what you pay for.
I've only built longbows and you can tell when a longbow will start stacking by when the limb/string angle gets near 90% but that doesn't appear to be the case with recurves. My comp sage recurve isn't even close to 90% at 29" draw but as you can see from the FD curve it starts increasing the lbs per inch from 23" on and really starts stacking after 27". The brace height on the comp sage is 7.25" and 6.75" on the longbow.
Here's a picture of the comp sage and one of my longbow.
62" Comp Sage recurve FD curve SE/PDF ratio of 81.19%
64" Longbow FD curve SE/PDF ration of 92.66%