I became interested in archery two years ago. During that time, as physical and mental limitations have allowed, I progressed thru xbow and compounds to my now favoite Ben Pearson no.3340 solid fiberglass stickbow. All were gifts or purchased at thrift stores or pawn shops for $10 to $15, and all have been a challenge to me. Archery has helped me greatly in recovering from a near fatal heat stroke while working that damaged my lungs, heart and brain. (Heat related illness kills more Americans than all other weather events combined...Be Careful.) I've enjoyed learning to repair and tune several bows. I really like building my own arrows from hardwood dowel rods and making broadheads from scrap steel. My "hunting" is still limited to shots at varmints and predators thru cracked doors and windows at home. I hope to go bowfishing from the bank some day, but barebow shooting is my passion. Let all of us who are healthy and able to enjoy the CHALLENGE of traditional archery be thankful. We could at any time experience an illness, accident (or war wound) that would teach us the true meaning of the word.