Little over an inch is sounding like a Hill style.
I'm going to suggest that you look up the Bingham Projects web site and choose a design from their catalog and Go with it. Most of the questions you have asked are answered on their site.
Like kenh says, you don't need an oven if you use Smooth On EA40 as long as you maintain room temperature. It just takes a little longer. I have done them by putting the form in the car on a sunny day.
I have also done rubber band lay ups in the bow oven with no problems.
Most 3/4" plywood is 1/32" short so you will want a spacer between the two pieces. I use roofing felt but only because I have a bunch of it. You want your form and materials to match perfectly.
If you decide to go ahead and decend into this madness, do your research and get the materials together and check back with us.