Hey guys,
It's been quite a while since I updated this, so I'll try and catch up. Unfortunately I don't have the skill to whip through these like most of you can, but I'm working at it slowly but surely. I would have had this done much sooner, but I am building it in my high school shop class. It's hard to get much done with 30 other people running around the shop at the same time. Aside from that, the shop catching fire also put a halt on my work for a few weeks. Now I'm back at it and am pretty close to putting on a finish. Bear with me, I am not very good at this and this is only the second bow that I've done. My craftsmanship is definitely not the greatest.
I filled the gap near the fades with epoxy by using a syringe. It seemed to work well. When I put a string on it, I slowly worked it back little by little without any odd sounds. I've since then shot it (the first few times with safety glasses and helmet) and had no issues. I also realized that during the glue up, my riser must have slid just a tiny bit. Unfortunately, this made one the limbs fairly unbalanced. You'll be able to see in the pictures. Despite all this, it shoots well and hits right where I'm looking. I am now in the process of finishing the riser shaper. When I put the bow on a scale, it came out 56@28, which is right where I wanted it. (Thanks kennym for help with the stack). Anyways, here's some pictures. Sorry for the poor picture quality.
As you can see in this picture, I made the bottom overlay to thin and sanded through to the glass. I have since then sanded the rest off just to make it look even.