I've killed a few over the years,all without a blind.
Find a strutt-zone along a field edge and set up within bow range on a bucket or stool. DO NOT use a decoy!!!!! Call untill you see the Tom come into the field,then STOP!!!!! DO NOT call again after you see the Tom.He knows "the hen" (you) were at his strutt-zone,and now you're gone.He will make his way up to his strutt-zone (be patient) and start strutting and gobbling to call you back.
Making The Shot:
Take your time and wait untill the Tom is all fanned out in full-strutt.When he turns his back to you and his fan is covering his head and blocking his vision,raise and draw your bow.pick a feather in his fan,and a spot half way between the top of his fan and the root of his tail.The objective is to drive the broadhead into his spine between the wing butts. All but 1 Tom "dropped & flopped" right where he was standing.The other one I had to chase across the field.(about 80 yards)
Hunting Turkeys without a blind takes some work,and ALOT of patients,but it's not hard.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows