Since I posted this, I am at an uneasy truce. I have refrained from shooting in the backyard but I'm not happy with that decision. Daily shooting used to be my therapy, my release and even a few arrows shot over 15 minutes was like a breath of fresh air. Gone is the fiddling, bareshafting and tuning aspect...who wants to blow expensive range time on that?
I fully and completely understand the safety and legal aspects of why I and others should not shoot in a backyard setting within city limits, but it really smacks of government intrusion into one's private life and personal liberties. I feel rusty, out of shape, and out of tune with my gear and it does not make me a happy camper at all.
At this point, I'm not sure how or if this issue will be resolved, if at all. I can't imagine going through an entire summer not backyard shooting on my own land.
At the moment, moving is out of the question, so...I guess I will have to continue to either play the PC game or rebel and go back to doing what I was doing, and
"damn the torpedoes!"