Rob - no matter which button I click on, or filter I use, my PM's will not be arranged in either ascending or descending order by date. I've tried it 5 or 6 times. Again, it is not a big deal for me. It looks like others are experiencing the same and I thought you may want to know. If not, also no big deal.
Rob, mine does that when I hit the arrow by date but when I leave the page and come back to it it’s reversed. Is there a way to get it to stay with the latest pm’s at the top of the list?
thank you sir, you da man !
Rob, I have messages I want from both 2017 and 2018. When I sort by date it sorts by month first so the January 2017 messages are ahead for the feb 2018. Is this a date format issue that is an option?Mike
Guys go to your profile, then click modify profile, then personal messaging then click show most recent pm at top. A check mark should appear and you should be good to go.
Checked the box and refreshed. PMs still are jumbled but appear to sort by month and then year instead of the reverse. My format doesn't even look like your screenshot. Rob go to my account and take a look. I'm probably doing something wrong but so are a lot of users.thanks for your help.Mike