Yeh, I sort of dive in- then find out if the pool is empty or full. LOL.
As a teenager, I use to shoot in the backyard with a glass stick and loved it but never truly hunted- dad was not a hunter. I just moved to the "wide open spaces" of Carson Valley, NV from Los(t) Angeles w/18mil neighbors (Kurtbel5-you gotta get out o' there fast).
Now, my back yard is the Sierras and the front door opens to high desert and I live next door to a 15y/o kid that loves to hunt but rarely ever gets to because his dad doesn't. So, I decided to be his huntin' big-brother. Well, went to a church lot sale and ended up w/a compound. Shot it about a week and didn't find the challenge I remembered as a child. So I dug out the old green glass stick and Shazam- I was hooked again. As you can see I got all addicted to this trad insanity but with a limited budget, I build my own or refinish old gear. Fortunately some of the older gear of our sport seems to outperform more modern goods. I've not spent over $150 for ECWCS camo gear, 4 quality bows, arras, and 3 quivers. Will be making a few more quivers in spring to fund my '08 lic./tags. My wife is definitely apreciative of my budget control.
I'm a little artsy-fartsy ergo the quiver and enjoy refinishing old bamboo fly rods too but a total newbie w/hunting and thought I would just sneak in the back door here and lurk but my addiction and questions drove me to join. Thanks guys for the cudos. Sorry about the long bio but now you know where I'm coming from when I ask a ridiculously stupid question.