Not bad for 20 yards. All but a few of them are in the scoring rings. I notice a preponderance of hits on the right side of the target. It could, of course, be arrow tuning, but since all the shots are spread out more or less evenly, I suspect form issues. If it were tuning, I would expect to see more of a grouping of arrows someplace, if not in the center of the target. A form error that could cause regular distribution of arrows on the right side of the target is creeping. Creeping is where you lose back tension as you release the shot because you haven’t learned to separate the relaxation of the fingers from the relaxation of the back. You should maintain back tension until the arrow clears the bow as a part of your follow through. Of course, it’s hard to reach this conclusion just from looking at holes in a target, but it is a possibility. To check to see if you are creeping, have someone watch you shoot and see of the arrow moves forward just before you release the shot, or video yourself to look for the same thing.