I had a Mikuta longbow custom made for my wife Lisa several years ago.
She does not hunt,but she enjoys going to 3-D shoots with our boys and I.
I had her bow is 62" - 36# @ 28" (her actual draw length is about 26")
Her arrows are POC 35#-40# spine,28" BOP,with 5/16th 125gr. field points.
She shoots split finger with a can't pinch tab,Neet armguard,and uses either a target style hip quiver,or a pocket quiver.
"Highly Suggested".....
I strongly recommend a GOOD armguard,and a "Can't Pinch" style tab.(if she is going to shoot "split-finger") Shooting comfort is a MUST!!!!! A "slapped" forearm,or "pinched" fingers are definately VERY discouraging!!!!!
Get her "geared up" and get her SHOOTING!!!!!