2018 Traditional Archery Nationals
Championship Sunday Shoot Off Rules
1. You must have shot the entire 50 target course and handed in the score by
10:00 am Sunday morning.
2. The Top 5 scores from the 50 target range in the adult classes will advance
to the Sunday Shoot Off.
3. This will make 6 groups of 5 shooters (MR, MLB, MSB, WR, WLB, WSB)
If any shooter in the top 5 can NOT participate in the Sunday Shoot Off then
the group will be filled by alternate shooters starting with the 6th place score
and continuing down, but not below 10th place.
4. By a drawing, 3 groups will shoot the Jordan Ray 20 target range and 3
groups will shoot the Saxton Pope 20 target range.
5. Scoring for the Sunday Championship will be 11, 10, & 8 for kills, and 0 for
a wound.
6. An arrow touching the line of a greater scoring area shall be given the higher
7. All shooters will start from scratch (0), NO scores from the initial 50 target
shoot will carry into the Sunday Shoot Off.
8. NO binoculars/rangefinders will be allowed on the range during the Sunday
Shoot Off.
9. NO mechanical arrow rest/adjustable rest allowed (bow shelf or stick on rest
10. NO releases
11. NO stabilizers
12. NO sights
13. The Shoot Off will begin no later than 11:00 am on Sunday.
14. The Shoot Off score cards have to be handed in by 1:00 pm on Sunday.
15. You may only shoot one class in the Shoot Off. If you qualify for more than
one you will shoot in the division that you hold the higher rank in.