The areasIi know best and hunted all the time -- the upper Alaska Peninsula and Mulchatna -- are out. The caribou are just plain gone, and it's amazing. Each of the lsat two years, i spent days flying out of King Salmon on other business and saw ZERO caribou where there used to be thousands. The Kotzebue area now seems to be the place to go although I can't offer specifics. "Missing the migration" is not quite the same worry it is in Quebec. Most AK caribou move around randomly within a give area. Exception: the Porcupine herd, most of which is in Canada by hunting season. The best plan is just to float through a good area... you will find animals. There may or may not be thousands, but you only need one. And as exciting as those big bunches are, I've always done better on small bachelor groups of bulls, with fewer eyes and noses.I can't recommend floating enough. It is a bit more work, but you will see a lot of country, catch some fish, and generally have a ball with or without caribou. Don