I posted on Pow Wow that I had a Marti Vision long bow that was 59# and I wanted to reduce the weight to around 50#. Erick Krewson said it was tricky to reduce a glass bow that much and I would be better off selling it and getting one in my poundage range. Well Eric I took your advice kind of I didn't sell it I just reduced the pounds to 55#. I was going to trap it but I was unsure on how to go about it, so I narrowed the limbs the rounded the corners off. This took off 3#. One more pound to go. The glass looked real thick so I took glass off and lost the other pound all the time checking the tiller and weight. The wife was a real sport running back and forth checking the scales with me. To start it 3/16 positive tiller and now it's 1/16 positive which I good because I shoot three under. I put 6 coats of tru oil on it and it looks better than when I got it. Might be to shiny to hunt with ha ha. I can shoot it at 55# but 50# was a little much. Thanks Eric for keeping me from doing something stupid like going for a 9# reduction.