It's been a while since I posted on here and figured I'd change that. I first got into the prospect of making knives on this forum several years ago after building a longbow. I saw the talented makers and wondered if I could do it. A really generous guy invited me over for a weekend and that was the beginning... I have always loved knives and remember my very first pocket knife. There's something about being able to make a tool like that and carry it in your pocket each day.
I tried before to make some folders, but they ended prematurely due to poor procedures on my part and a general lack of understanding of the whole process. It's easy to run into problems. I was able to go spend some shop time with a good friend, John Doyle, this summer and we built a liner lock together.
Fast forward to being back at home-I wanted to see if I could apply what I'd learned. I wanted to keep things simple; no bolsters, pivot collar, etc. Just wanted to test out some ideas and see if they worked and most importantly, could I make a working liner lock. I'd seen a Raphael Durand knife that I really liked and sent him a message. He was gracious enough to give me permission to try and make one like it. I got to figuring on where I wanted all the internal bits and went to it. Mine’s nowhere near as nice as Raphael’s, but I’m relatively happy with how it turned out. I learned a whole lot along the way, but am pleasantly surprised by the action, lock up, and general feel of it. Many lessons learned will hopefully make the next one better. This one will be in my pocket come hunting season in the hills. Please feel free to comment, good or bad. Thanks for looking.