Not an "all the time rubber boot" guy, but I wear mucks alot working around the home place and with the cattle. Other than the black "arctic chore" ones they are really not very tough, very easy to tear up.
I went to Newfoundland moose hunting this fall, and did a lot of research on uninsulated rubber boots before going. Ended up with lacrosse burleys, I bought the uninsulated ones with black stippled/studded soles, bout 100 bucks from amazon. Put 6-10 miles a day on them in bogs and heavy brush, good to walk in (well as good as possible for heavy boots) and no issues with wear or blisters. The guides there talk a lot about boots, they wear out a pair or two a year of gum boots guiding, and said these are as good as any other, for them choice ended up about individual fit. Saw lacrosse and sportchief rubber boots a lot. No one I talked with there were fans of mucks... tear too easy and not well fitted were the two main complaints.