Hey all -
title pretty much says it... I've never owned a leafy or ghillie suit of any kind, but I find myself on the ground more & more as I age and like to wander. That said, I'd be interested in everyone's recommendations for leafy jacket (not thinkin' pants at this point) that I can pack & wear in any weather. Considerations would be:
- Light weight. Something I can pack easily and just wear over anything without adding bulk or insulation. I like the concept of mesh...
- Made with bowhunting in mind. Not looking to buy a jacket that I have to cut up a bunch to make it clear my string, etc.
- Good quality / durability. Really don't want to look for new jackets every year.
- A hood (?). Thinking a hood is a good idea if a deer slips in from behind...
- Economical. Not looking to invest a ton of money in something I haven't tried... not looking for a cheapy, but something that is a fair value and won't break my meager bank.
Anyway, appreciate any recommendations those of you with experience can provide!