Yesterday while in my treestand bowhunting, a thought came to me wondering how many past and present great and known Bohunters shoot or shot 3 under. Because usually when you saw pics of the past bowhunters and archers, it seems just about most of them shot split. I only know of a few that shoot 3 under. I believe Gene Wensel, Steve Gorr, PBS Member Kevin Dill from Ohio just to name a few. I have shot split finger for 40+ years and have played around with 3 under. Matter of fact the Longbow I am hunting with right now likes 3 under better than split. And I have one recurve in my possession, that no matter what I do, I can not get that thing to shoot split for me, so I set it up for 3 under and man it really shoots great at 3 under. Go figure. So to those of you in the know how many past and present great bowhunters shot 3 under. Just a thought and wonder. Thanks in advance for your input.
Tony Sanders/aka"SNUFFER"