I think that many of us are concerned with hunting. It just doesn't seem to be what it used to be. I agree that it is much easier now but that is only one of the many issues plaguing us. In my opinion the downfall of the hunting lifestyle will in the future be tracked back to the "Hunting" video or show. I think that these productions that may have started out to be informative or education pieces have turned into sponsored "hunters" looking for celebrity. While watching one of these shows, pay attention to the hunters attitudes and the things that they say. Note the dramatic rock and roll or country rap music that begins as prey is located and finally shot. The way the hunter acts after the kill. Its hard to find one that doesn't beat his chest and scream "BIG BUCK DOWN BABY!!!!" Who Baby is , is always beyond me....is his male hunting partner "Baby"? Another trend is constantly showing female or child hunters making the actual shot but of course no more than that. There used to be great respect for hunters as the general public believed that it took great skill , patience and woodsmanship to be a successful hunter. Now they see the way that people in these videos act and the high tech gear that they use and wonder what chance the quarry actually have at this "sport". I think that the age of the celebrity hunter is here to stay and that will be the downfall of the lifestyle.These shows depict us in such a negative light that it would take an enormous effort to get our respect back. We as hunters will as shown above jump each other over such trivial things. People above this post jumping a fellow hunter for suggesting what he believes is one of the problems with modern hunting? Really? He can't even express his opinion and point out a few things that he believes may help save the lifestyle that he obviously fears is fading? We are so quick to jump each other on social media and it's always in such a visceral way. You would probably never talk this way to this man's face if you were standing in front of him. I'm not suggesting that it would be out of fear but out of our common and more natural respect for each other. When it's done on media outlets such as this one, he isn't seen as a real person with opinions and feelings, just jump him and shut him down immediately because you have your own beliefs and they don't align 100%. There is more than the outdoor lifestyle at stake here, we are becoming a sort of robotic society. I'm guilty of it myself and try to restrain myself but most of the time when someone gets nasty, it's just time to move on to other things. I rarely post or reply anymore as I find many of my opinions fading into minority so the circle gets smaller and smaller until this site and others like it that were created to support the lifestyle are weaponized by the very people they were created to interest and inform in a good way....as usual, human beings destroy everything that we touch...….here comes the hate, don't waste your breath, I'm already gone..