I was rummaging through the closet in the spare room looking for a bow that I planned to sell to raise a few bucks for a project Jason and I are working on. AND I find one of our old multi bow cases we used for shows years ago. Pulled it out and find brand new old stock from years ago. Bamboo backed wood bows , some with horn bellies.
Going to do and audit, check tillers and find strings for them. Then they will be going to fund the project.
Here is a list:
Dryad BushWacker Bloodwood handle, Osage limbs with Watusi horn. 40 @ 28
Dryad Phoenix Bubinga and Osage handle, bamboo limbs clear glass 54" 52 @ 28
Dryad Hunter Bamboo backed osage, off the hand 31 @ 27
Dryad SoothSayer Goncalo Alves handle, bam backed osage with gemsbok horn 68 40 @ 28
Dryad SoothSayer Goncalo Alves handle, bam backed osage 64 41 @ 28
Will be taking and posting pictures later.
Email me if anything strikes and interest.