Since this is Mother's Day, it is appropriate to recognize Mom's influence on our sporting activities. Most of us got interested in archery, hunting, and other outdoor activities based on the encouragement and tutelage of our fathers, grandpa, or an uncle. How many had mothers who played a major role in developing a desire to pursue these activities? Also, did Mom also participate with you in these interests?
My mother was not an outdoor girl, but she did give archery a try, and she did like to fish (didn't care for taking them off the hook, though). When I wanted to hunt, she saw danger in all of it (Mom saw great danger in EVERYTHING), whether with gun or bow, but did not try to stop me. She just emphasized safety and following hunting regs. Mostly, she stressed the need to study game and their habits in order to develop basic skills. I sometimes think her support played a major behind the scenes role in my growth as a hunter and outdoorsman. I imagine a lot of us benefitted from Mom's input, even if on those cold mornings, she was back home in her warm bed. How 'bout it?