I have it in my head to make a tri lam or even quad lam bow next Winter and have questions. BBOs HBOs and selfbows are my experience up to now. I have plenty of osage lumber and am thinking either bamboo back with osage core and bamboo belly and some accent wood thrown in or hickory back , osage core and hickory belly. Maybe do the hickory first as a test run for practicing the glue ups.
Anyway, the questions. Is tillering down mostly by mathematics , ie: figuring the tapers of the woods and the width of the limbs to achieve weight and draw length ? I know it would be on one with a bamboo belly but on one with a hickory belly can you get some tiller wiggle room by scraping the belly ?
I would appreciate some feedback from anyone who has made such a bow,like dimensions of the wood used, type of wood , etc etc. I figure if those numbers are out there it would be better than me trying to reinvent the wheel. I looked around the TradGang site for a build along on this type of bow but did not see one.