Wifey has decided to gift me the Big Jim's bow I paid my deposit on ! Super stoked but now looking to order a Toelke with the capital I had outplayed.
So guys which toelke (other than the SS) for a 32 inch draw ? Torn between a 66 whip or a Whistler. That way I can have 2 quality recurves (almost sure I will pick up a monarch despite my hankering for a Buffalo) and two quality longbows.
Also I have a question about poundage- all of these bows are killing foam now but will be killing stuff one day. I like 55 pounds at my dl- i can shoot a lot at this poundage. I also will not be going after Cape Buffalo ever with a bow. Do i need to go higher ? The issue is then the light bow always feels smoother and becomes your go to. Hence decision is being made to keep it all around the 55 mark .